April 3, 2006

Who Am I?

Facundo Muruchi

Facundo Muruchi

I'm from Argentina, and when I was 7 years old I started to get interested in music. I was just in my third year of primary school when I learnt how to play Piano. Since then, even though in those first years I was only able to practice with a small electric piano at home, I've always been one of the best students in the subject of Music in my school.

Then, at the age of 11, I started to study Piano in a music academy in the city centre, where I also learnt about Guitar, Music Theory, Singing and how to play songs with other musicians. Three years later, I graduated as an outstanding student.

During the 2020 pandemic, I started to get interested in Music Production, so in order to progress and keep gaining experience, I started to compose my own songs, lyrics, and I uploaded my first cover to Youtube. Furthermore, I enrolled in Arjaus, the only music production academy certified by Ableton in Argentina.

Facundo Muruchi

In addition, I created 'Confuso Episodio' with my brother, which was a music duo and, with this idea in mind, I started my music career.

In 2022, I graduated from Arjaus in "Certified Music Production Career". Moreover, I have released 4 original songs and 5 covers, in which "Candy Store" has been the most prominent one with an average of 100k views and 3M views in Morci's Channel.